Tuesday, June 1, 2010
THe FuTuRe TReNDs oF MoBiLe FoNeZ and Social Media.
Mobile phones will forever be a changing technological device of the future. Some may say it’s reached its peak with features available to mobile phone users but in my opinion it’s only the beginning. People have to understand that there are much more features that can be added to such a mobile and powerful device.
For example: Breathalyser or even a weapon such as a gun. And let’s not forget the amount of optional features and gadgets that come along with the mobile phones. This device will in fact replace our wallet and for the ladies their handbag because soon enough the mobile phone will be able to carry and allow users to do anything and everything.
YouTube will become the area of Social Media that is set to dominate the eLandscape in the future. It is already one of the most widely used website for Social Media and it is still growing today. It is seen within news programs and various television shows and still manages to create publicity to anything and everything. YouTube is a fabulous Social Media platform that allows people to spread their voice out towards millions of viewers around the world. And it allows amateur filmmakers to illustrate their skills by uploading their work. It is form of Social Media that will be around for awhile and dominate for many years to come.
Filming For A Reason
Online Documentaries are great. Having watched numerous documentaries over the years I’ve noticed that no two are alike in anyway. Why? It’s because no two filmmakers are alike. This is why online documentaries are very important for not only individual filmmakers but also the filming industry because it allows people to show off their creativity with filmmaking and also can illustrate a point across to a target audience.
Though the real point of why online documentaries are important is the liberty of ‘freedom of speech’ if an individual has an opinion or belief about a certain subject then they should be able to voice it out through film and documentaries. It’s documentaries like 9/11 and documentaries about various subjects that allow the audience to create an opinion based on what they’ve seen and how they feel about that subject in the end.
An example of some of the great work being produced. Check out:
Da Future Of Mobile Fonez
When I was a young teenager, my sister had her first mobile phone. It was a Nokia 8250. It was the greatest electronic item I’d ever seen it was so small, had some many features and it had the best and most addictive game, Snake. At this time mobile phones were on the rise and this beautiful blue-screened mobile phone was just one of the many that was out there on the market. At this time small mobile phones were popular but as I started to get older and technology started to make better improvements towards mobile phones they started to get bigger and the features now of a state of the art mobile phone are incredible.
It is astonishing in the space of 6 years to look at how mobile phones have changed since then. Now days you can surf the Internet, pay bills, take photos and videos and play music on such a small hand-held and mobile device. When back in the day you could only just call, message and play games.
Looking my own usage of what I do in front of various screens in my day to day life. I’m convinced that the mobile phone will become the more dominant screen of the 21st century outside the home because it’s such a portable device that you can take with you anywhere and can do the same number of functions all in the one device. Having said that, at home the computer screen will be the more dominant screen of the 21st Century. It would be the most used within a household and gives the user the benefit of being in the comfort of their own home. The television screen would follow next due to the fact of the size and sound of it compared to the computer and the mobile phone.
So having another screen to view movies, take photos, design art and access the Internet is reasonable because even though you are able to do those tasks with the mobile phone, it still is the size of the mobile phone and performance that needs to considered. Without these considerations’s being addressed the mobile phone screen cannot be claimed the most dominant screen of the 21st Century outside and inside the home.
"It's all Politics"
The word is like a picture. It can tell you 1000 words, if not maybe even more. Over the years the public have been exposed to political campaigns that have displayed how other parties can gain a much higher vote rate compared to their vicious opponents. In past society has seen political parties using various forms of communicating their cause, beliefs and most importantly themselves as politicians.
However, at times when they think they are making an impact and move towards their current and future voter’s, it sometimes can backfire upon them.
Some of the main platforms that many political parties and Politician’s have used in order to strengthen their political campaigns are: Television commercials, print media, PR and the more popular and more recent platform the Internet.
Some politician’s have been using the social media website, YouTube to broaden their voter audience during their campaigns.
Some of the benefits from using YouTube for political gain are:
• The political party or politician are able create a positive image for themselves
• Create an awareness to the public voter’s about the cause, beliefs and appearance of the political party or politician
• Able to communicate through a website that has millions of viewers a day
• Incorporate the use of imagery and audio to capture and tap into the emotions of the voter’s
• Able to counter-attack opponents views if some accusation has been made
And some of the risks that political parties and politicians are faced with utilising YouTube for political gain are:
• Getting accusations made against them by using imagery and audio to create a negative impact on the parties or politicians
• Can make some politicians seen to be as a joke by parody videos and music clips
This risk is one of the most devastating risks that could happen to any political party because it can create such a negative to the political party or the politician running the campaign. All it takes is some images, videos or even a slip up in something a political has said in order to create a television commercial that can ruin a campaign without even running it properly.
For example: The battling fight for the Presidential race of the US of A between John McCain and Barrack Obama. This is a prime example of how two opposing political parties used YouTube to attack each other in negatives ways in order for the other politician to look bad.
With the ever-changing and ever-growing industry of technology and the Internet, political campaigns in the future will be using various forms of media platforms and the Internet will become the main platform that will be used to strengthen a political campaign and target opposing ones. With the millions of users on the Internet it will change the way we look at information and how we will see politics from a different digital perspective.
Lights, Cameras, ACTION!
Growing up I’ve always wanted to create a full length movie. Not being sure what I exactly wanted to film about but I had a look on the Internet and noticed that on YouTube people were able to create something from nothing. Sure some of the videos were much better edited than others but even the average videos seemed pretty good.
By looking at the number of newer home made videos that are uploaded onto YouTube each day it can be quite evident that everyone wants to famous……… To be known for their work…… And so we have amateurs creating videos and movies and uploading them onto social media websites such as Face book and YouTube. One of the greatest benefits for these so called “Amateur” movie makers is that it cost them literally nothing to upload their movies and material onto these social media platforms. Millions around the world have access to these fondly used websites and are able to gain exposure within their area of interests.
Information that is being shown to the public can be easily manipulated as a melted plastic. With the advancement of technology in today’s growing society all it takes is one individual to create something that it can usually take 100’s of people to create.
According to Burns (2008) “There is an absence of producers, distributors, or consumers, and the presence of a seemingly endless string of users acting incrementally as content producers by gradually extending and improving the information present in the information commons, the value chain begins and ends (but only temporarily, ready for further development) with content.”
I agree with Burns statement because it is able to be seen within social media platforms such as YouTube with individual’s creating full-length movies and short films. For an individual wanting to make it in the film industry YouTube is the perfect gateway in order to get through the front door of the industry and to generate good PR from. Without today’s easily accessible range of state of the art technology it’s no wonder why many people are able to create and manipulate information that is out there, today.
"I' am I turning you on?"
XXX, Sex, sex and more sex…….. This word has been used and said so many times it has lost all meaning. It’s something that is around us in our everyday life’s and yet we cannot get away from it. To some it may be a very big part of their relationship and for some it may be a big part of their life’s. With the technological developments such as the Internet, sex can be seen by anyone at anytime through the computer screens from anyone’s home.
“Cybersex” is considered to be the “new crack cocaine” that can lead to addiction for some according to Ryan Singel’s website article entitled, “Internet Porn: Worse Than Crack?”. In some respects Internet pornography can be addictive to some individual’s and often can lead to terrible consequences which can affect a person’s behaviour towards women and for their own well-being. It is the negative effect of viewing such imagery that it plays apart to how they start to think because of the ease of access that an individual can view at a certain time.
The Internet can be one of the main reasons and faults that allowed X- Rated websites to exist onto the World Wide Web. It has created another platform in which sex can be viewed by a person compared to the past with video cassettes and DVDs. An individual doesn’t have to be so discreet to view material and can now do it in the privacy and comfort of their own home.
These days there are numerous amounts of sex on the Internet and with the different types of fetishes people have these days can be quite scary and humorous in some ways. And although cybersex has been around for some time but it still manages to pop up in pop culture.
Cybersex will always be around our society no matter what we do to prevent it or try to ignore it. As long as the Internet is around Cybersex will have a strong presence for users to view material 24/7. It is an unstoppable force which, for some is needed and others it’s not.
“Turn that game off, you won’t learn anything from that” my parent’s would say to me when I was growing up as a young adolescent boy. Little did they know that from then til now gaming has changed the lives of different people in society today. Video games would change our thoughts on the reality of our lives to the realities of the atmosphere a virtual reality game can create. Through recent years the gaming industry has evolved from the early days of playing for entertain to playing for “real”.
That’s where Second Life comes in. Second Life is a virtual reality world that allows users to create themselves as avatars and do anything any person could do it the real world through this avatar. The whole idea behind the virtual world of Second Life is that users can have a second life on-line with other users from across the world. To some Second Life lets them do what they can’t do in their real lives.
Meadows (2008:51) argues that experiences create a grounding of belief. “People in virtual worlds build things, use them, sell them, trade them and discuss them. When another person confirms what I am seeing, places value on it, spends time working to pay for it, buys it, keeps it, uses it, talks about it, gets emotional about it, and then sells it – this tells me there is something real happening. The suspension of disbelief has become a grounding of belief”
Meadows argument is correct in how he states that “experiences create a grounding of belief” because some individual’s these days don’t belief things at first sight, they want to experience something first themselves before they start to create a belief about a certain thing. This can be applied towards Second Life which many people have started to use on a regular basis. If one person is doing something or has a belief in one thing, it is a matter of whether someone else can see it in order for them to belief it too.
Second Life and other virtual reality games such as The Sims franchise have created the endless possibilities of people to escape their own lives to playing through an avatar within another life. People need to understand that these games are just a “game” and that they should really take the opportunity to experience things in their ‘real life’ before they waste their ‘real life’ on a ‘virtual’ one.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
"Nothing but pure hatred!
These are just some of the words that come to mind when you have a look at several websites and forums from various 'Extremists groups' as such: Aryan Nations, White Power Forum, Hammerskin Nation and Konfederation of Klans.