"Hate"......"Resistance"......"Reclaiming"........"White power"....... And "Nazi"..........
These are just some of the words that come to mind when you have a look at several websites and forums from various 'Extremists groups' as such: Aryan Nations, White Power Forum, Hammerskin Nation and Konfederation of Klans.
These are just some of the words that come to mind when you have a look at several websites and forums from various 'Extremists groups' as such: Aryan Nations, White Power Forum, Hammerskin Nation and Konfederation of Klans.
Many would be disgusted and shocked by the types of articles and videos these types of groups upload onto their website and forums. Although many others would see it as reasonable and necessary. Why? Because these groups need members' in order for them to grow and survive within the online community and create a stand in the public during their activities in the public.
The Internet creates another platform for Extremists groups allowing them build their empire online using features which, they can upload images, videos and articles about whatever there radical beliefs are.
Once these beliefs and visual material are unleashed onto the World Wide Web it is then available for the many of users in the world to see. Making viewers think they need to join the fight, the struggle to reclaim their countries and identities of "White Supremacy" which, majority of these groups are making as their key message to future members.
After looking at and reading some of these hate groups, it seems that some there is one similarity within each group. That only 'white people' should be with 'white people' and if you have a different nationality or look differently then you should go back to their own country or die!
The 'Australia First Party' can be seen as an example of an Australian-based Extremist group. This New South Wales based group can be considered as an Extremists group, although unlike other Extremists groups it isn't visual with images of 'hate' like the 'Nazi-inspired' websites of Ayran Nations and the White Power Forum but while looking at the body copy of the website and the list of articles that they have published shows the tone of 'hate' and 'White Power'. The website still illustrates it's message towards an audience and tries to attract new members' telling them that "You have your country to reclaim!" which, is a load of shit because Australia is known for being "Multicultural society" and the "Lucky Country" so why on Earth would Australia want to lose that representation as a country? It makes you think.....that this country had grown and developed because of people from various corners of the globe migrating. Without the integration of other culture's who knows what Australia might have turned out to be today? But there is no need for drastic measures to create a 'White Society'.
In closing, no matter where in the world you are and whether if it's tomorrow or the next decade.... Hate groups......Extremists groups.....Racism......Discrimination...... Just hate in general, will never be gone. There will be also someone or a group of some people that will always proclaim their beliefs and spread their messages across to more people... if you want it all to stop... Stop the people from doing it! But yet again, there is the issue with 'Freedom of speech' and people's 'rights' as an individual. We can't hide from it and we can't run from it because it will always be there and even if we can't see it, it will have it's presence one way or another. It's in our movies, tv shows, the news and even in our daily lifes.... We cannot get rid of it but we can fight it! Let's just hope no one has to go through that many have gone before in the past because we'd 'hate' ourselves if we didn't do something when we had the chance too.....